Monday, 23 August 2010

Rog and the Cows

Paul the church pastor was eager that we see a bit of local Kigali countryside, so in between several meetings he took us out to see his cows.

Situated about 5 miles east of Kigali, we went through pretty rough roads and much poverty, to eventually arrive at a very pretty spot at the head of the valley. Here we met his hired farm hand - see photo, and journeyed down the valley to this pretty pathetic river that supplies the local area with just enough water to survive and produce.

I am pretty impressed with the work the Government in Rwanda has been doing to encourage investment, agriculture, construction, education and health care. Given the adverse publicity that it got from our press prior to the election, I have to say that there is far more very positive action happening, and it is obvious the people are reaping the benefits.

Mind you, it would be good to know if there area strategic plans to harness the rainfall better so that they have plenty for growing.

As to Roger and the cows - well they looked pretty under - nourished - similar to Rog, but at least he is now getting stuck into a vegetable panini - he did not seem to want the beef one!


  1. Great to hear all your news! Sounds like your having fun and there's lots to do!! Make sure u have some time to relax too!! Look forward to hearing what else you've been doing :) Love Jo and Ed x

  2. Since when did Gary go anywhere for a rest and relax??? Don't give him ideas!!! But I'm sure he and roger will have a great time and overcome any challenges that come their way!!
