Thursday, 2 December 2010

Rhum Holiday!

I received this message from Bad Boy and Ginger. Came in on the wireless early this morning. Looks like the journey back may be more difficult than last time. 

Am receiving interrupted signal from our contact BBB. It seems to be coming from somewhere along the Chryston/Moodiesburn border!  STOP insiders massing STOP  along border STOP close to landing strip STOP  ( if I could only keep this bin lid open would not need to stop every STOP so often.) Advise landing elsewhere STOP. Have passed landing STOP flares to our new  STOP  agent STOP  Code name is GERTRUDE  STOP  Big Malky with insiders out to STOP nail you STOP advise you cut engines over Campsie Fells STOP and glide in (as per X1 Fliegerkorps Re  Crete 1941) STOP
Ensure parachute and other sensitive information is buried in snow. Proceed to Ref  S/T.A9Bles (stables) where BBB and self will be sitting  disguised as C of S ministers. Bring GERTRUDE with you - we will greet you as Mr and Mrs Waggstaffe! Sit beside us but do not allow GERTRUDE to speak as her English is not good.

Picking up transmission from strange location - cannot be right - CARRIBEAN  Is this somewhere in Rwanda?
STOP cannot sail STOP this w/e STOP crew has been infiltrated STOP by insiders ( is there no end to the lengths these people will go to to stop you winning through to a well deserved holiday)

BBB has alerted self and GERTRUDE to the negativity effect this devastating news will have on you - hence your meeting with the three of us - your pals! We intend to keep you positive.
Accordingly we have arranged an alternative event for you - something which you will enjoy and be able to win at!

You leave SAT for a 5 day trip to the Scottish wonder island of RHUM where you will climb the 8 munros there.You will do each munro ( actually they are not munros at all but others do not need to know this and we your pals will not blurb on you.) on your own so you can claim to be the first to the top. Also you can boast that Ginger has only done 6 of them.

We have arranged attractive accommodation for you ( see attachment) with a fantastic cook thrown in by the name of  Ronald de Gallo. His speciality is stag head eyeball soup. Its another first for you - however nobody has ever ordered seconds. By doing so it will be another first for you.

No need to advise wife of this change of plan - actually she advised 15 days but we thought that this would create too many firsts - a win win situation - which would not be good in terms of your mental state just now - lets do this slowly a bit at a time! 
See you soon - pecker up!


What kind of pals are these!

Shall need to develop a plan quickly to avoid a Rhum holiday - Fi is definitely wanting to go to Caribbean for our 30th anniversary. Wonder if Lysander can get over the Atlantic without refueling - could stop Madeira and Azores, but last bit is quite long. 

Hope Fi does not mind lack of catering on the Lysander - make the sandwiches Fi, put on your scarf, remember your goggles, and pack the champers! 

A plan is hatching. If only I could find that elastic band - Ginger have you got it?

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