Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Termities - just what I need


I spend 3 and a half hours listening to 2 architects disagreeing about things they do not know anything about. Then I spend  another 3 and a half hours trying to get some sense out of two architects and 2 builders.

Considering that I had only a small amount of sleep on the plan last night, I was thinking to myself that I was doing very well not screaming and banging on the table.

Then we are almost finished, nearly home for tea when Norbert pipes up - how do we protect the College from Terminites? You are joking? Not a bit of it - termites are a big problem, he says - you do not want them! We need to design the College so that it can defend against the nasty termites.

Time for a bit of delegation, - right Norbert - you asked the question - now please find me a sensible answer. I am off for tea and then bed

So, I am just lying in bed desperately trying to stay awake and block, but find myself scratching thinking about them.

Bet I dream of a line of them coming trudging over the end of the bed!

Actually nothing will rouse me - I need sleep!!

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